સોમવાર, 23 સપ્ટેમ્બર, 2024

Monday Special

Part - 5

Menial to Minister: An Adventurous Odyssey of Dr Kuber Dindor.

(A Biography by Shri Ishwar Prajapati 

English Version by Pallavi Gupta)

The minister halted the convoy of vehicles with a decisive gesture, that was rapidly traversing the road...

Life often presents us with moments so profound that they become etched in our memories forever.

 On September 20th, I witnessed a truly heartwarming event. A Gujarat state minister's convoy was speeding through Santrampur when the minister noticed an elderly woman sitting at a bus stop. Without hesitation, he ordered his convoy to halt.

With a genuine concern for her well-being, the minister approached the elderly woman, Champaben Sanghada, and inquired about her situation. He asked if she was receiving her monthly ration and widow's pension. When she replied that the pension application was still pending, the minister promptly offered to assist her. He assured Champaben that he would personally ensure her application was processed and that she would begin receiving her pension that month.

 Overwhelmed by the minister’s kindness, the elderly Champaben showered him with blessings.

Seated at the bus stop, Champaben was oblivious to the identity of the passing convoy. Yet, the moment the minister’s gaze fell upon her, and he halted his speeding vehicles to inquire about her well-being, I was profoundly moved by the outpouring of human compassion that flowed from his heart. 

This minister was none other than Dr. Kuber Dindor, the esteemed Education Minister of Gujarat. He is a man who embodies the true spirit of public service, tirelessly dedicating himself to the welfare of his constituents. His unwavering commitment to alleviating the suffering of others is evident in his actions, as he treats the people’s problems as his own, working tirelessly day and night, regardless of the circumstances.

Dr. Kuber Dindor has cultivated such a profound connection with the people of Santrampur, from the youngest to the oldest, that their hearts are seemingly intertwined. Wherever his car passes, people stand respectfully, greeting him with "Ram Ram, Jay Guru." Dindor Sir never fails to reciprocate these greetings with equal warmth. He often stops his convoy to inquire about the well-being of passersby and their families. To maintain such humility after attaining a position of power and prestige is truly commendable.

Why has Dr. Kuber Dindor earned the unparalleled love of the people of Santrampur? To understand this, one must traverse the hills, valleys, and roads of this region. Everywhere one looks, they will find the fresh footprints of Dr Kuber Sir. Despite his busy schedule as the state's Education Minister, he devotes his weekends to visiting villages and towns in this region, meeting with the people, understanding their problems, and working tirelessly to find solutions.

As the Education Minister of Gujarat, Dr. Kuber Dindor has been instrumental in implementing effective policies that benefit both students and teachers. Simultaneously, he has undertaken significant efforts to transform his constituency, Santrampur.

For decades after India gained independence, this tribal region remained underdeveloped. However, since Dr. Dindor assumed leadership, the region has begun to undergo a remarkable transformation. He has overseen the construction of hundreds of kilometers of paved roads connecting remote villages and hamlets. To address the pressing issue of water scarcity, he has expeditiously installed borewells and motors, and constructed numerous check dams for water storage. Furthermore, he has been working tirelessly to steer the populace away from vices and towards spirituality, embodying the true spirit of a social reformer.

The massacre at Mangarh during the Indian independence struggle was even more horrific than the Jallianwala Bagh incident, with over 1507 tribal people being brutally gunned down by the British. However, the bloody history of Mangarh remained largely obscured. Dr. Kuber Dindor envisioned developing Mangarh into a memorial to commemorate the sacrifices of these tribal heroes and ensure that their bravery would be known both nationally and internationally. He successfully drew the attention of then-Chief Minister Narendra Modi towards this cause and took up the responsibility of developing the site. Despite facing opposition from certain separatist elements, Dindor stood firm and single-handedly countered their arguments. The people of the region found in him a strong and empathetic leader. Consequently, the entire community rallied behind Dindor's efforts, enabling the development of Mangarh Hills. Even today, when visiting Mangarh, one can still feel the poignant echoes of the martyrs.

PM Shri Narendra Modi has visited this magnificent memorial on three occasions. If credit for unearthing the forgotten history and developing Mangarh Hills were to be attributed to a single individual, it would undoubtedly be Dr Kuber Dindor Sir.

The doors of his office in Santrampur remain open to all. A glimpse at the visitors to his office provides a clear picture of the conditions of the people in this region. The underprivileged and the poor can approach the Cabinet Minister of Gujarat, Dr Kuber, without any protocol, to share their concerns. He promptly contacts the concerned high-ranking officials to address these issues and strives to find solutions. He is always in action mode to resolve the problems faced by the people.

Despite being a cabinet minister, he leads a simple and down-to-earth life. His nature is marked by humility, simplicity, and sincerity, which is deeply endearing. Dr. Kuber has garnered such immense love from the people that he could probably win elections with a landslide victory even without actively campaigning.

During a recent trip with him, I was overwhelmed by the affection he showered upon me. Upon reaching home that night, I received a call from him inquiring about my safe arrival and well-being. Who else but a family member would take such meticulous care? It is precisely this natural warmth that has enabled him to scale the heights of success. Given his dedication, commitment to duty, and transparent governance, it is evident that Dr. Kuber Sir has a promising future in politics.

My interactions with Dr. Kuber Dindor have led me to conclude that PM Shri Modi is indeed a master connoisseur. From the most remote and neglected regions, he has unearthed individuals of exceptional talent, akin to discovering a flawless 100-carat diamond where none was expected.

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